Changing Your Clothes

Shopping, Sewing, Upcycling, Repairing: Make the most of your clothes!

Awards (& other good stuff)

18 September 2013

From my new blogging friend Michelle over at Preppy Boho comes a Liebster award nomination!


The Liebster Award recognizes upcoming blogs and tries to direct people to them. As it reads, the purpose is really to discover new blogs and help new bloggers on the way.

The Rules

You must link back the person who nominated you. You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you. You must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award with under 200 followers You must come up with 10 questions for your nominees to answer. You must go to their blogs and notify your nominees.

Here are the questions given to me by Michelle, and my answers (in italics):

1. What do you obsess about most? Hmm, so many things… matching seams when I’m sewing. That’s one.

2. Milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Dark. DARK.

3. Favorite shade of lipstick? Pink-y nude, when it’s not bordeaux.

4. What is the last thing you ate? Trader Joe’s ginger granola with Greek yogurt. Unless you count coffee, which I’m sipping now.

5. If you could have one wish, what would it be? For my daughter to be completely restored to perfect health. And unlimited tango shoes. Oops, that’s two.

6. How do you organize your closet? By color. Used to be by type (skirts, jackets, dresses), but since I put outfits together primarily based on color palettes, organizing my closet this way makes more sense for me.

7. What is your favorite movie? Currently? Red 2. All-time? Fantasia.

8. Movie popcorn – butter or no butter? Depends on my mood and possibly on the movie, but usually butter.

9. Plethora of buddies or small circle of close friends? Small circle. I prefer quality over quantity in almost everything.

Now, here are my nominees for your very own Liebster Award!

And here are my questions for my nominees (should you choose to answer them):

1. What is your best memory associated with your favorite color?

2. What are you wearing right now?

3. What is the last thing you made with your hands?

4. What do you consider to be the perfect climate?

5. Snacks: sweet or salty?

6. How do you plan to spend the upcoming weekend?

7. Your favorite way to work out is:

8. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when I say “America’s Cup”?

9. What do you do to balance out all your computer/Internet time?

10. You love blogging because:

That’s it! Don’t forget to follow the rules (just under the award, above)!

And thank you again so much, my lovely Preppy-Boho Michelle, for nominating me and my Changing Your Clothes blog!

Many, many thanks to Rarasaur for giving me the Sunshine Blogger Award, thus creating the need (or excuse) for this new page! Be sure to visit Rarasaur’s fantastically fun blog!


Sunshine Blogger Award Rules*

  1. Display the award logo on your blog.
  2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
  3. State 5 things about yourself.
  4. Pass the award onto 6 other bloggers and link to one of their specific posts so that they get notified by ping back.

Five Things About Me:

  1. I’m a FrancoAnglophile.
  2. I’m a pianist.
  3. My cooking ability is in inverse proportion to my baking ability.
  4. I have a pilot’s license.
  5. I regularly sew my own partywear the same day as the party.

I hereby pass this award on to these 6 bloggers:

A Year in Provenance: Because if her blog was a book, I wouldn’t be able to put it down. Her topic is important, unique, and engrossing, and her writing is impeccable. Oh, and she’s my archaeologist daughter, the brains of Markham Caerus.

Rohan 7 Things: Because he gives me a lot to think about! I write about getting more out of your clothes— he writes about getting more out of your life!

Airports Made Simple: Because its unbelievable range of advice, ideas, and information makes me feel like a super-savvy traveler!

Goal Habits: Because his daily quotes are always timely, thought-provoking, and inspiring!

24/7 in France: Because she gives me not only a taste of la belle vie en France, she makes me feel like my dream of living there is more than just a dream!

Chaidie’s Chickens: Because I love seeing farm life through my 10-year-old niece’s eyes!

Thanks to you all for making my blogging life so much brighter!

— Lindy

* This isn’t some kind of blog award chain letter— you don’t have to do anything at all with it, just enjoy it! ; )

One thought on “Awards (& other good stuff)

  1. Aww, thanks so much Lindy 🙂


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